One thing you can do for nature in your garden this winter

Speak to your neighbours

The past couple of weeks at COP26 have seen politicians and businesses line up and vow to address climate change and the biodiversity crisis.

But pundits discuss how unless followed by action, people could become sceptical, driving apathy and hopelessness.

Here, in our little corner of southwest England, we are doing something collectively and as individuals. Quitely, we are taking action - leaving a patch of grass unmown here, planting nut trees there, and sowing flowers for pollinators.

We are slowly bringing wildlife back to our gardens.

Small actions maybe, but important nonetheless. And little actions, like water forming around microscopic particles, can change behaviours - creating raindrops that can become streams and rivers and oceans.

So when a neighbour asks how your garden's getting on, please tell them.

Tell them what you are doing, . .
Tell them how lovely the seed heads look swaying in the breeze.
Tell them of the butterflies you've seen this summer, or the dragonflies above the pond.

Show them how even little actions can change the world.

Article by Sarah Fraser

NATURE CHAIN would love to hear from you so if you have a little story and some photos about your wildlife gardening, please send it in to