Ash Dieback

A rapidly changing landscape

Sadly Ash Dieback is becoming quite common in parts of our village. It can affect ash trees of all ages. Younger trees succumb to the disease more quickly. All affected trees will have these symptoms:


Telltale signs of Ash Dieback

Leaves develop dark patches in the summer.

  • They then wilt and discolour to black. Leaves might shed early.

  • Dieback of the shoots and leaves is visible in the summer. Lesions develop where branches meet the trunk. These are often diamond-shaped and dark brown.

  • Inner bark looks brownish-grey under the lesions.

  • New growth from previously dormant buds at base of the trunk. This is known as epicormic growth and is a common response to stress in trees.

Ash Dieback signs.jpg

 Please see this leaflet created by Limpley Stoke Parish Council to help you identify and report Ash Dieback in your area.

Ash Dieback Flyer [700KB]